Unlock the dark secrets of the East Wing as its notorious gates swing open...
Immerse yourself deeper in the ominous atmosphere of Black Mold with three new prisoners, each with their own meeples, Prisoner cards, decision decks, rules, and special tokens.
What is Black Mold - East Wing?
Expand the prison compound into the east wing to enhance your experience with new prisoners ready to make their escape.
Black Mold - East Wing Expansion adds a new dimension to the game. The included rule booklet provides background on each new prisoner and introduces exciting new gameplay mechanisms.
Black Mold - East Wing Expansion features:
Each expansion includes a decision deck, custom prisoner meeples, and contraband, adding replayability and variability to your escapes from the mycelium-filled compound of Black Mold.
The Team:
Created by John de Campos
Game Design by John de Campos & Philip Doccolo
Game Development by Elizabeth Rassmussen, Lucas Gerace
Art by John de Campos
3D Renders by Tim Brosious
Graphic Design by Shannon Light Hadley
Rules by John de Campos, Nikola Petrov
Black Mold Rules and Resources can be found